Friday, November 27, 2009


"Gratitude is noticing the extraordinary in the ordinary. And then taking the nanosecond to feel it." - Karen Krakoer Kaplan

Over the past couple of days, I participated in Tweetsgiving, a round the world effort through twitter to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a great reminder to me of how great my life is, how much I have to be thankful for, and why I should remember this and be happy everyday. On the afternoon I started, I was in a funk, tired of work and the daily drama - after my 5th or 6th twitter, I was smiling, feeling better and more optimistic about my life. I know people who pray daily, others who meditate, and after completing this exercise, I KNOW I need a way to remind myself of this daily.

Here's some of my list... Enjoy & Be Grateful.

6 of 100: Thankful for the love given to me

7 of 100: Thankful for the ability to dream, it keeps me going

8 of 100: Thankful for being a woman - strong, smart & feminine

17 of 100: Thankful for my ability to think & act, ignorance is not bliss

18 of 100: Thankful for my ability to always ask why?

32 of 100: Thankful for all the blessing I've received & haven't desearved

38 of 100: Thankful for the people go about their day, silently kicking ass & not needing recognition, my heroes

50 of 100: Thankful for my mom who should be woman of the year

51 of 100: Thankful for this beautiful day

54 of 100: Thankful for an interesting & engaging family, never dull here

60 of 100: Thankful to have been taught to value who a person is vs what they are

68 of 100: Thankful for new blessings

72 of 100: Thankful for those who challenge the status quo

73 of 100: Thankful for the bacon, it makes everything better

74 of 100: Thankful for the possibility of what's to come & finding my 'thang'

76 of 100: Thankful to always be learning

83 of 100: Thankful for the realization that stuff is just stuff

86 of 100: Thankful for my room full of cousins sharing stories & glasses of wine

88 of 100: Thankful for the humor of family stories

89 of 100: Thankful for a full belly

98 of 100: Thankful for the holiday season & the potential of the new year

99 of 100: Thankful for my friends, new & far, who've sent wishes to me today

100 of 100: Thankful I have 100 things to be thankful for & a place to share my gratitude

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