Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have found a new (and LOCAL) food blog to follow. And it's entitled after my favorite summer vegetable: OKRA.

Local Okra is based in Athens, GA and has great images as well as recipes to follow. I'm excited to try some of them and visit the co-op she mentions on her blog.

Shopping locally and supporting small and local business is a personal agenda of mine. My family owns a small business and I appreciate the customers who support us. I want to shop the ones who shop with us. And I want other small businesses to succeed. The dollar difference in price is so small in the long run and in the implications of our national economy as a whole. (Stepping down from the soap-box before I even get started...)

Back to Okra... my goal this summer is to figure out how to grill Okra, I had this dish last summer at Farm 255 and I fell in love. So I am determined to fix this dish for myself to enjoy. I grew up on fried okra (obviously the best way to eat it) but think the healthier option of grilling would be a good alternative.

So yeah for new blog friends and local food options. Gotta stop before my stomach starts grumbling...

1 comment:

allison peters said...

totally with you on small businesses, i work for one.

and local food! i want to try co-ops once we have a mortgage and will be on a food budget. the hardest part is doing vegetarian without eating pasta all the time. i need some good ideas...