Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pink or Blue?

One of my best friends in the world is pregnant with her first child, I have a 6 month old nephew, one of my Vandy 8 is pregnant which is a first for the group, my childhood 'brother' and his wife are due on my birthday! I've got two showers this weekend and many more to come. All around me people are pregnant and the world seems to be full of glowing little mothers.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my nephew and I can't wait to see him next week. Yes, there will be pictures. I think they'll get here on Monday or Tuesday so I'll have some up before I leave for the coast.

Marianne is expecting a girl and I'm so excited for bows and braids, frilly dresses and little pink onesies! And of course, the right to corrupt the little tyke later with beaus and boas!

Here's a little poem I found to celebrate the life that's growing...

Ten fingers, Ten toes
She's laughter and teardrops
So small and brand new
And amazingly angelic
She's sent to bless you
She's one special Baby
The best of life's treasure
And will grant and bless you
Many hours of great pleasure.
- Author Unknown

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